On Line Payment Instructions
To pay your assessments electronically click this link. Next select the following:
1. Choose One Time Payment by E-Check or Credit Card
If you choose online E-check pay there is no additional charge for payment;if you choose credit card the Bank charges 3% of the full balance paid.
2. Complete New Property Information
Management Co ID# is 6919
Association ID# is 490
Account# (Refer to the perforated coupon on the bottom of your statement)
3. Complete Personal Information
4. Complete Contact Information
5. Complete Billing Information
This is your bank routing #, bank account number & account holder name. If you receive your bank statements at your property address, just check mark same as property. If not, please enter a different address.
6. Enter Payment Amount
7. Click Continue
8. Verify information has been entered correctly as your payment will only be processed with the information provided
9. Submit payment
Payments made by 2:00 CST time will be processed the same evening and uploaded by the bank lockbox the next business day morning.
Bank lockbox mailing address:
Wellington of Flower Mound
c/o Guardian Association Management Processing Center
P.O. Box 93784
Las Vegas, Nevada 89193-3784
Please allow several days for mail, processing and posting time.