Maintain Don't Gain/Healthy Habits Challenge
This Challenge is open to all Wellington residents including children. You can download the tracking sheet NOW, and start tracking your progress for this Challenge starting on Sunday, November 24. To sign up, just email the fitness office at Then download your tracking sheet below. You earn a point for each healthy behavior you track, such as eating a healthy breakfast, getting at least 7 hours of sleep, watching less than an hour of television, or weighing yourself. Again this year we are emphasizing developing healthy habits rather than maintaining a specific weight. If you wish you can include weight maintenance and tracking, but it is not required in order to earn a prize. Also, for some people such as children or pregnant women weight tracking is not advised, but there are plenty of other opportunities to choose from in order to earn points. The first week we are emphasizing brain health, and we're also including some brain games you can play; time you spend playing brain games counts as participating in a stress reducing activity. Check back to this page every week to see what the emphasis is on for that week. If you are looking for classes to take, remember that Wellington has free group exercises like HIIT and yoga every day. The Challenge lasts for six weeks, and you need to earn a minimum of 60 points. You must turn in your tracking sheet by NO LATER THAN MONDAY, JANUARY 13, 2025, in order to receive a prize.
All finishers will receive a prize for completing the challenge.
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