Elevate your fitness with a small group!
Provided FREE to Wellington members by Cooper Aerobics and Cooper Wellness Strategies — we are offering a new 10-week long program that teaches you the principles of strength training and how to use them to improve your fitness level, body composition, and overall health. Strength training can have many benefits, including increased muscle strength and mass, improved bone density, better weight management, improved balance and flexibility, reduced injury risk, better blood sugar control, better mood, better sleep, and even improved cognitive function! People can benefit from strength training at any age, but if it's been a while since you exercised, please check with a doctor before beginning an exercise program.
This program starts with a Cooper Quest™ cardiovascular assessment in which you walk on a treadmill at your fastest pace for 1 mile. We will also check your blood pressure, resting heart rate, and body fat percentage. You'll fill out an exercise PAR-Q and questionnaire to tell us about your medical history, goals and limitations. This will give you a baseline so we know where you are starting from, and help us to find others in the class with similar abilities and goals. Because of space and equipment limitations, this class is limited to the first 30 residents to sign up, and for that reason we require that all participants commit to attending a minimum of 6 of the 10 class sessions. You also must commit to attending EITHER a pre-class orientation session on Wednesday, March 12, or the first class on March 19. Testing will start on February 11, and you can make your appointment for testing here: Make an appointment for testing
The class starts on Wednesday, March 19, and meets for 10 weeks on Wednesday from 8:45-9:45 am, with the last class meeting on Wednesday, May 21. All participants MUST ATTEND either the pre-class session on March 12 or the first class on March 19. Participants can also re-test at the end of the program to assess progress. Each session meets in the gym under the supervision of the fitness director, and participants will be given a new iFit account along with instruction in weight training, muscle anatomy, use of gym equipment, and basic gym etiquette. Participants will also receive a workout plan and be put into small groups that will work out together.
Research tells us that people who have an exercise partner, who have a plan, and who commit to putting exercise into their schedule are the most successful at long-term exercise maintenance. Our goal in creating this program is to build exercise habits and create long-lasting workout groups that help keep each other on track with their fitness goals. Join us! If you have a question about this program please email the fitness director or call us at 972-874-8329.
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