MPR Reservation

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MPR Calendar - 2025

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MPR Reserve Form

Private facilities for rental by Wellington residents only. Guests must be in the presence of the resident when using the facility. The MPR can accommodate up to 100 people and comes equipped with tables and chairs for use during the event.

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Name: *
4004220e-3ceb-4d85-89bb-42795fdbce55 Textbox
Address: *
c76f2da8-d78a-457c-a221-7c7d9791429c Textbox
Phone Number 1: *
aa1c9373-645e-4e6b-882d-994a92d97e4f Textbox
Phone Number 2:
a430413b-5400-406c-9ce7-5122d4b16f2e Textbox
Email: *
f57f0698-d443-4597-87f8-fad95a0f47f1 Label
The MPR closes promptly at 10:00 PM. Arriving prior to or staying after your reserved time is prohibited.
82280c79-343c-4205-ac74-c59cb4fa93f1 Textbox
Reservation Date: *
6f47194f-6f67-4fd3-b73a-170bf9978717 Textbox
Start Time: *
4e831194-432a-4038-b961-8bb4959d8886 Dropdown List
Start Time AM or PM: *
c3526f61-4fa0-4b86-ab68-f8f1185c04dc Textbox
End Time: *
6def990f-c039-4651-8987-8773f4346bcf Dropdown List
End Time AM or PM: *
297ad38d-a552-48ba-af5c-7b3fe7253a21 Label
Rental rates are as follows:
66909032-132b-4702-852c-68de0357379a Label
Not for-profit costs (minimum time is 2 hours): 2 hours = $30, 3 hours = $60, 4 hours = $200, 5 hours = $300, each additional hour over 5 hours = $100
0108fdde-b849-4843-ae93-d7992a510370 Label
For-profit costs: $30 per hour, each additional hour over 3 hours = $110
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ffdf4f01-1795-47ed-80bb-617055fb934a Dropdown List
Identify if the event is not for-profit or for-profit: *
5d1a92d8-245b-4d3f-81fc-ef350ca4b0bc Dropdown List
Event Type: *
0e4c22f9-0ace-4a42-bf84-cc3090aaf28f Textbox
Event Details:
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For reservations using the pool, only 20 guests may be at the pool at any given time. There must be one adult chaperone in the pool area for every 3 guests under 18 years of age in the pool.)
4369928a-2a85-431e-84de-9461c07cec41 Dropdown List
Will the pool be used? *
5f7a4d7a-ea9f-46f1-ae3a-1e051cf3807b Inline Text
Acknowledgement that you have read and accept the policies for use of the room (including financial responsibility for any additional charges/fines which may result from the event - see the MPR Policies for possible fines)
06188bc8-d1c8-43bb-9217-6520830496b1 Electronic Signature
d32f42ea-07e7-4851-ad61-0a18db4210e6 Textbox
Today's Date: *
0ff7eb48-62d0-407c-920b-2690614667e9 Inline Text
Once you submit this request, please review your completed copy for additional information regarding the review process and payment instructions.
Enter your typed signature

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Connected to: MPR Reserve Form.pdf
Last Modified: 3/6/2024 12:38:18 PM
Form ID: 967c05a1-eaa2-4c15-a404-0274fe3e7be1