Three (3) Board of Director positions are up for election at the Annual Meeting on February 26, 2025. The deadline to submit a candidate nomination form is the end of the day December 18, 2024.

Preferred Candidate Requirements as identified by the Nominating Committee are:

(1) Member in good standing (dues current or participating in an HOA approved payment plan).
(2) Physically resides within the Wellington community during term of office.
(3) Minimum six (6) months experience on a Wellington committee.

Term of Office:
Each board member is elected to a term of two (2) years. Elections are held on a yearly basis at the annual meeting for two (2) or three (3) open board positions (depending on that year's staggered rotation).

The Board of Directors are scheduled to meet up to twelve (12) times a year but some meeting dates may be cancelled depending upon requirements.

BOD Nomination

72069ef1-d84b-4df1-a760-c0e5fac06893 Textbox
Current Date: *
09a3aba4-329e-4479-a961-db26f357b635 Textbox
Candidate Name: *
1cef027b-70b5-4a79-8b97-52e30c27d848 Textbox
Wellington Property Address: *
bc2795af-797a-4c18-8d06-8bb1d35adca6 Textbox
Email: *
8b16db3d-4f81-42ad-99d4-189213f1023d Textbox
Phone Number: *
b76a49ec-6d42-454b-b929-eb1e1f7aa89f Textbox
How many years have you lived in the Wellington neighborhood? *
6c083c97-ed1c-4e0b-b4a6-d55890b42d01 Textbox
List any Wellington committees you have participated on
410b2c6e-ece2-4cf6-a0cf-113854666d13 Textbox
List any outside organizations and community groups you have been involved with and any relevant experience (i.e. previous board member)
507fc993-45eb-4a7b-94ba-b7eb757ce7e2 Textbox
Explain why you would like to serve on the Board of Directors *
342852a0-e325-4636-bb90-5cbb07a11803 Dropdown List
Have you been convicted of a felony or crime involving moral turpitude within the last 20 years? *
cb7c66fd-db0b-490e-b464-c05fc8fefe8d Electronic Signature
By signing, I acknowledge that I am the property owner for the above Wellington Property Address and agree that the information contained in this form is accurate and current
Enter your typed signature

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Last Modified: 3/6/2024 12:38:33 PM
Form ID: 238b0624-0475-4540-9031-d15f0d976d08