Cooper Corner Health & Wellness Resources

From the Health & Wellness Experts at Cooper Aerobics
Happy January!
Manager's Message
Now that January is here, it's time to Get Cooperized™!
8 Steps to Get Cooperized™
At Cooper Aerobics we challenge people to Get Cooperized™ by adopting a healthy living mindset to live better both sooner and later. Although that's different for each person, Dr. Kenneth Cooper, founder and Chairman of Cooper Aerobics, recommends eight basic steps to achieve and maintain good health. Read article.
Resolutions not to invest in this year
Resolutions not to invest in? Cooper Clinic Registered Dietician Meridan Zerner shares with Good Day Fox 4 her advice of what you should avoid to help you stay focused on your New Year's resolutions this year. Watch video. (originally aired January 9, 2024)
EXERCISE MOVE: Three Pre-Workout stretches for maximum benefit
Improve your overall movement, strength and flexibility. As a warm-up to your workout, Professional Fitness Trainer Aaron Feldman, MS, shares three functional stretches using TRX straps. Watch Exercise Move video.
